50L+ losses in F&O. How to recover?

If you want to make a career in trading, treat it like one. Imagine a first-year med student performing surgery or a 12th-grade biology student diagnosing a critically ill patient—it wouldn’t work, right? The same goes for trading. You can’t expect to make money right away. It takes time and discipline to see consistent profits. ( at least 3-4 years before you see consistent profits).

Here’s what worked for me:

  1. Pick a Free Course: Don’t spend money on courses.
  2. Learn & Backtest (6 months): Dedicate time to learning and testing strategies.
  3. Front-Test with Minimal Risk (6 months): Apply strategies in the real market with low-risk funds.
  4. Journal All Trades: Start journaling as soon as you begin front-testing.
  5. Increase Investment & Continue Journaling (1 year): Use a substantial sum, and journal meticulously.
  6. Analyze & Create Your Blueprint: Gather data on what works and what doesn’t to form your personalized trading blueprint.

This blueprint is now something that can make you money, consistently.

Lastly, becoming a trader is tough and time-consuming, but with discipline and patience, it can change your life. Trading isn’t just about strategies and risk management; it’s about understanding yourself as a trader and finding what works for you. For me, journaling and patience were the keys to success. I hope this helps and I hope you feel better brother!

Brother this is coming from a guy who lost 22 Lacs till January 2024(1 year in trading) and recovered whole amount and turned profitable in june 2024. I also have good job but lure of option buying and greed made me loose this much amount. I also took personal loan of 5 lakhs and lost the same. and staring at financial difficulties since i was only earning member of the family ,To recover the amount i again further took personal loan of 21 lakhs and lost half amount within one month.

However by god grace i kept myself calm and ventured into selling options with occasional buying as per my setup . and i set the target recovery of whole amount in 5 years with monthly target of EMI amount to be paid . Further on earlier day i used to bring small capital and blow it off several times. was always scared of bring good capital in trading account.

I brought my final capital of 10 lakhs in trading and started doing spreads with defined risk. I started recovering the loss and as the time passed i started gaining confidence and i started riding profit without fear .
The point here i am saying is never loose hope and clear your mind first chalk out the plan and stick to it.

Anyone with loans should stop trading completely, and focus on clearing the loan as fast as possible. When you are clear from any debts then plan for reentry with investment. Saving interest is earning interest.

You will have the pressure of paying EMI from the market which will work for some time but fails most of the time.


I recommend clearing the loan first. Relying on psychology to manage the loan could lead to further losses due to the pressure of earning EMI or repaying the loan. Selling is also risky; people can work for months or even years, only to lose everything in a single bad day.

I think loan is never a good idea

A lot has been said here. Please do not misunderstand me and don’t get lured by what I am going to put down here. It’s been years of struggle to understand options behavior and attempt of governing fear and greed. Not been an easy task for me either. My story is almost similar.

1. 2018-2019:

My options Journey started in the year 2019, and I was earning well from my software dev job. It looks so easy to earn from the market, and so difficult to accept the defeat! I was winning - loosing- winning -loosing. Was buying options as well as selling. Tried all sorts of strategies and none worked out for me. I can say, I had no patience at all and more than greed fear of loss used to control me.

2. 2019-2020

Oh…I had more green days than red!! But what? lost more than 6L. Sheer disappointment and I started skipping trading from october. The month of Mar 2020 seemed greener, but then COVID hit and had no guts to continue.

3. 2020-2021

It seemed everyone else was earning like hell from market owing to high premiums and I couldn’t resist from April. Immediately burnt my finger, not knowing how to manage the trades, losses were quick! After heavy loss in April and May, I went very slow and observant from June. Believe me, my recovery started from June and continued good till Mar 2021.

4. 2021-2022

This year, I thought I will end green. My confidence boosted, my faith in strategies had grown. Despite, I couldn’t manage profit. Because, on loss days I had heavy losses and profit days were booked early.

5. 2022-2023

First half of the year, I really played well. I made sure, my losses are lesser than profits and there is consistency. But from october, I started changing my strategies hoping for better and started taking more hit. This resulted more brokerage and charges and lower confidence on self. Any how closed green first time ever after five long years.

6. 2023-2024.

Okay, this year looks same as 18-19 on first look!! Specially the second half. But Green days were better than loss days. The risk reward was well maintained. The result?? A greener ending!

7. 2024-2025 (Till date).

This year, I scaled up with confidence! Started trading on my wife’s account (To save tax). Obviously, May was an easier month for all. But I hope ( & pray), thee rest of the year also I will play well.

Here are few lines from Me (Will be happy, if it helps someone):

  1. If you can’t control your psychology/mind, you will never be able to trade.
  2. trading is not gambling, it’s rather game of probability and money management.
  3. You can never learn or copy from other people’s strategies. Make your own, then only it will boost your confidence.
  4. Be ready for accidents, spikes, broker down etc.
  5. Be humble - No one knows what strikes us tomorrow. I have faith but not confident what will be tomorrows situation.
  6. Greed and Fear both kills.
  7. Skill level requirement Option buying> Directional Selling > Non directional Selling.

Please, again I say, do not copy me as example. Everyone’s journey has different path, and I am still a beginner learning every day!!!


trade only in nifty 50 bro that make you better