Charles Schwab - Harvard Business school case study from 2001

Charles Schwab is a $70 billion market cap Bank + Brokerage firm, 2nd largest in the world by AUM. This Harvard business case study on them from 2001 has a lot of interesting insights for anyone having academic interest in understanding how brokerage firms have evolved. Btw there is an uncanny resemblance to our journey as Zerodha vs what Schwab did in the first couple of decades.


Is there any place in zerodha platform or its partners where I can built options strategies and execute them.

Have you checked

Thank you. Let me check this.

Is this where Zerodha will go?

hopefully :grimacing::grimacing: :slight_smile:

@nithin The above link appears to have expired now.
When you get some time, could you please share the doc again? Thank You.