Does disclosed quantity affect the volume?

If someone places order of 100k shares & discloses only 10k. After the order is executed will the volume reflect the original purchase or just the disclosed quantity?

Disclosed quantity is a rate at which one is trying to execute their order. In the given example, once 10K shares are traded then only another 10K will be released. Once the order is executed of partial / full (disclosed quantity), yes it will be reflected in volume. Please note that there is going to multiple order / trade in this case.

Wait, what? I thought that the complete order was filled in a single turn only the quantity wasn’t shown. So basically if someone uses disclosed quantity, as in the example above, 10k shares will first be bought & this will happen 10 times to complete 100k shares purchase?

As per my understanding, it will be executed in at least 10 trades.

Original purchase, because that’s the real quantity.