How true is this?

Or is this just a rumor

Please read this part posted by this person

From : H N Menon at 06:00 PM - Apr 21, 2017 ( about 15 hours ago )
dear friend ,

market rumor is there they may wind up any time , better get your payout and shift to , renowned agency , pay little more brokerage and be on safe side,

I dont understand why a growing and profitable business would wind up. So, i dont believe winding up is happening and those who are suggesting it might be brokers themselves.
Technical outages are a concern and I hope @nithin and his team are coming up with better solution.


[quote=“amit1234, post:1, topic:13059, full:true”]
market rumor is there they may wind up any time [/quote]

they are telling it is rumour then why worry about it ?

if they are going to close why zerodha need to bring more products like COIN, Kite Connect API ?

Businesses which can not innovate will perish soon, like Nokia and BlackBerry

you can look at where corporate rivalry is going, Unilever Vs Amul ICE Cream ads,
Reliance Vs Airtel discount offers
planting these stories is not difficult

Of course this is just a rumor. There has been some issues recently, which I just answered here.

We are adding clients faster than any other broker in India, we are probably among the top 3 retail brokers in India in terms of retail turnover and business profitability, we have some really cool things planned for this year like coin, which are going to continue to disrupt this industry.

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Thanks for clarifying.