Introducing UPI autopay for SIP payments

I’m not able to approve mandate on HDFC app, It says You have insufficient fund in your account to complete this transaction, I have 25000 in account. Mandate is for 100000. HDFC is not letting me approve it.

Can you try now?

Checking this.

Not as of now, but its on our to-do.

This is an issue on the HDFC bank app; we have been checking with the bank on this, and it will be fixed soon.

Hi @Neelesh, I didn’t face any issues while setting up the UPI auto-pay option. It was smooth for me (using HDFC bank account and PhonePe as the application) when I did that on 11th September.
Two of my SIPs were scheduled for 16th September but both of them are still in ‘Processing/Pending execution’ status. Why is that so?

Were you able to find the issue ?
I tried again yesterday & it again failed.
If needed I can share fresh set of logs

Any update here ?
Still unable to setup mandate

Our payment aggregator partner is checking these issues we will get back shortly on this.

Hi @Neelesh
Is there any update on this ?
Should I retry again in case fresh set of logs are needed