Tradingview charting version

Let me check and get back to you on this.

These are not indices but yields of individual bonds. All bonds are listed but most of them don’t trade, so, you’ll see nothing.


Kite already shows debt indices. Just search for “Nifty GS”


@Bhuvan i doubt the indices showing kite and TradingView Same!?

What you see on Tradingview is not an index. It’s just yield of the yields across various tenors.

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@Arockiya_Raja Hi, the beta 2 is so unreliable. Charts don’t load, esp in real time, take so much time, refreshes to work. Along with pop ups to refresh chart, error fetching data etc.

Are there going to be any end for these? It totally ruins the charting experience in Zerodha.

Please look into it.

A humble request.

Stability issues have been significantly resolved. Could you please provide more information in DM, including an issue screenshot and the client’s id? I will get it checked.

This is way more delayed then it should be.

Also pls check your dm.

This is a significant update from the previous version, and we encountered unexpected delays because of the issues that arose related to various preferences. We’ve now resolved most of these problems, and the chart is stable now. In addition, we’re close to releasing another feature in the chart, which should be announced soon. We’re also working on the TFC at the same time. Your patience and understanding during this process is greatly appreciated.


Is it me or?

  1. Zerodha Charts stop streaming if you open more then 2 charts with few indicators.
  2. Lately fetching data errors are very frequent
  3. Kite TV charts has become almost unusable
  4. Or do need a 16 core 240 W TDP processor to stream the charts?

Everyone pls chip in your say on this.

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The Chart are Loading, but Slow. ( earlier more then 2 chart layout with few indicators were not even loading)

Still charts are not streaming live. ( I am on 100 Mb jio fibre line)

Cleaned my temp and Kite/Zerodha website cookies and files and my layouts were gone. (This is so 2020 approach Zerodha , your are relying on local save of setting and layouts?
So my Mac air chart settings /layout will not be available on my windows machine.
Very sad to see the approach and the turnout time. Fix the basics and then move to adding new features integration etc.

@Arockiya_Raja when can we see these chart types in Kite TradingView???

Kite misses Volume Footprint, Time price Opportunity and Volume Candles

This is a very new feature on the TradingView platform. TV keeps certain features exclusive to their platform. If they include this in the platform integration, it will be added during the next upgrade.

I’ve opened a topic about the same issue, they’ve unlisted it. BUG: Chart stops updating

There is no known issue; however, it may be specific to certain indicators/settings or preferences. Please create a ticket with more information and provide the ticket number; I will investigate.

Your issue may not be the same. As stated in the thread, please create a ticket with additional information and provide the ticket number; I will investigate.

Oky, If your are saying it is not a “known issue” Then let me investigate in detail at my end why it is happening on my terminal.
Will report back my findings here.

Reporting my finding here.

Charts stops if you close the main login (dashboard window)

Say, if you have opened 2 separate tabs for NIFTY and BANKNIFTY charts and if you close the main DASHBOARD tab then other charts will stop.

Zerodha CC says it is intended behavior.

None of my other broker terminals behave like this.

Also want to report that “data fetch error” is still there. although number of occurrence has been lessen then earlier.

Also overall a bit of performance improvements are there.

@Arockiya_Raja Any updates on TFC?

How much more time it will take , I have not much time left, may be a couple of decades.

But at this speed you might get beaten in this also.

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We are also very eager to introduce TFC on TV as soon as possible. However, stabilising and enhancing the chart’s speed is a priority over a new feature. Each release comes with its challenges, and due to various unavoidable factors, seamlessly releasing TFC takes time. TFC will be the next new feature update on the chart once we complete the optimizations to the chart opening process. We request your patience in this matter. We hope to resume work on TFC by August.


Thankyou for the reply @Arockiya_Raja

I do not know if people in the organisation down the line realise this or not.

But since TFC is not there with you, many like me already moved/moving or plan to move to your competitors who has TFC for their Intra day trading.

You guys are loosing a big chunk of brokerage of intrday option traders.

All the users of your current competition were all Zerodha customers once.

Introducing TFC should be your absolute first priority.

You are loosing crores of brokerage money every day.
Every damn day man , you guys are loosing money.

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