What's your opinion on brokers-" Wisdom Capital or Astha"?

They give 60x leverage.I am considering to move to them.Are they trustworthy? Anyone using them? Or Is Astha better which has 40x leverage?

Move on man…
7 Days passed you still here.

I am contacting brokers but want to find the best.Upstock i didn’t like. @NeverMind Which one do you use?

Some problems with Wisdom Capital:

A) They dont issue the contract notes the the same day, it arrives only next day afternoon.

B) The profit on their Trading Platform is not same as the profit they print on the Contract note.

This will explain why they do not issue the contract notes the same day.

C) You will end up paying a lot more in hidden charges different from the ones displayed on their site.

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So they manipulate profits and have hidden charges?? What is your opinion on Astha? @prakash1975 Thank you.Do you use them still? Or have you quit using them?

I have account with them, but i do use it any more. Because of the reasons above

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Oh thanks.Are their hidden charges eating up most profits? Is Astha better than Wisdom Capital? @prakash1975

I’ll stick to zerodha only.
But I’m not using Kite or Pi for trading, I have my own front end built with Kite API and AmiBroker for TA.
I’m die hard fan of Zerodha.

No broker is built such a trust like Zerodha.
But I feel Zerodha’s only Cons is their IT team.

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Not sure on that

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But i have lost trust in them.Today i lost some good opportunities because of their technical glitch.I want other brokers as back up.Especially if you are a trader who trades everyday you can’t rely on Zerodha anymore.