50L+ losses in F&O. How to recover?

You can start by reading these similar previous topic-threads
of folks who lacked discipline,
lost significant sums in the market,
and asked for guidance in this forum after the fact.

A common theme to recovery is -

  • Stay away from the market.
  • Focus on your other “boring” source(s) of income (Salary?).
  • Work on improving health (physical, mental).
  • Remember to stay away from the market.

Talk to your family. Not random strangers on the internet like us.
Come clean to them. Face the music. Ask for their support (moral/financial).

There are no relevant details of the setup in your post
for anyone to help pinpoint the problems.
That said, it is obvious from the results that there was no proper risk-management in place.


is this due to living a lifestyle beyond one’s means?
(lack of personal finance planning)

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