Account Opening: MICR dropdown is not populating

Request you to raise a ticket here

Same issue MICR code not showing in dropdown at zerodha

Team is checking, also suggest to raise ticket for support related.

Same issue MICR code not showing in dropdown at zerodha… please help

Hi, request you to raise a ticket here. Team will have this checked.

Can you retry now, should work.

Can you retry now, should work.

hi im getting the same issue what to do

Hi I am getting the same issue as well. Can there be any resolution?

MICR code not cpming up while opening account

Same problem
Micr drop down menu isn’t populating

Was trying to open an account on zerodha…Micr number not showing up not able to proceed.

I am trying to open an account and facing the same problem in Zerodha. MICR drop down menu has no options. Please help.

I am also facing the same issue. Please help.