Any idea why there is a disclosure when analysts give recommendations?

There is a disclosure on the lines of “Analyst does not hold any stocks in the recommended company”. I mean the chances of the persons recommendations or predictions come true are 50/50. So people investing based on tips know that there are chances to lose and the analyst cannot be blamed.

  1. My second question - How can it be that no analyst holds any stocks in the ones they are recommending. I mean I dont read tips at all I would say but even then all the ones that I have read so far ATLEAST one should have shown the disclosure “The analyst does hold stocks in the ones he is recommending”.

Cos if its the second statement and if it still goes against the prediction, then guess what buddy you screwed up:P can be added along with it

Indeed, they do disclose if they own it.

They do? hum…ok if u have any you have seen recently then please share it here. Cos like i said i dont read much into tips but the ones i ve read, they all state the analyst does not have any interest/holdings in the stock recommended

You can find it easily by urself. Scroll down to the bottom of all the analyst reports/article on