Ask me anything about Zerodha Fund House

We will build solutions based on the FOF format.


Hi @VishalJain ,

Bank Nifty based ETF is a great option for next ETF . We can check Inav in single place (for liquidcase , goldcase , Bankcase , Niftycase etc ) … Also with lot of liquidity will be great help for all .

Thanks Sandeep… Feedback noted!

@VishalJain Any idea for leveraged ETF ,It will give more opportunities to traders as well as short term investors. Index is also available on NSE.

@im_bala its already in nifty indices , but still AMC need to come out NFO

Currently NIfty 50 2X leverage is there very soon this will come out from any AMC

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Hey Bala, at this point leveraged ETFs are not permiited in India.

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Hi @VishalJain

Not a question on Zerodha, but on active fund houses in general - can any active fund house artificially inflate its NAV obfuscating the actual value to the regular audit, trustee and public at large?

How reliable and thorough are the audit mechanisms in place? Are there any instances of such wrongdoings in past?

Asking out of curiosity and for general knowledge.

Hey Gautam, mutual funds are highly regulated entities subjected to numerous audits, hence I do not envisage such a scenario, whether active or passive.

What’s next for Zerodha Fund House? I see you have some more ETFs in the pipeline but what more can we expect?

Also- Would you ever consider actively managed products? Or even indices with more risk like the microchip or leveraged indices which there seem to be no products for at the moment?

A FoF equivalent of All Weather Investing smallcase would be nice. Simple and tax efficient.

if I’m not wrong zerodhafundhouse They did file for something similar @vsavla

This has 70% equity and 30% gold (Similar to Equity & Gold smallcase).
All Weather has roughly 40% equity, 30% debt and 30% gold.

ohhh i see this should be noted by @VishalJain :slight_smile:

You can achieve this by splitting your money on your own into Equity and Gold MFs, or ETFs, instead of depending on someone else

True. But then I’ll have to deal with rebalancing myself and STCG.
Moreover, if a mutual fund has more than 35% equity component you will get indexation benefits if kept for more than 3 years. If I had individual ETFs I’ll have to pay full 30% tax on the gold and debt component.


30% debt attracts taxes at your slab rates, if you are ok with that.

Hey Kiyoto, as of now we will stick with broad-based passive products. As of now, the regulations do not permit leveraged ETFs. We are still in the process of finalising the next set of products.

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Hai! I have a question regarding Goldcase. In all other Gold ETF the price range is around 60-70. But Goldcase trades at 11. Why goldcase is very underpriced? @vishaljain

This was answered earlier within the same thread:

Zerodha Gold ETF was listed recently, i.e. March 2024.

Hi @VishalJain ,

Do We have a chance of Microcap ETF from the Zerodha Fund House . Are there any difficulties in this Index fund ? . Only one fund offering I can see in this Niche - Motilal Oswal Nifty Microcap 250 Index Fund Direct Growth …