Brand new NSE website Option Chain webpage

Please visit Nifty option chain page of NSE’s brand new website. Have a look at the open interest of each strike and total open interest at the bottom. This is total erroneous data. Open interest of each strike price and total open interest is shown very low. Nifty’s total OI of call or put is always in the order of 300 to 400 lakhs however their brand new shit website always shows it in the order of 5 to 6 lakhs only. It has become a hallmark of their incompetence. Their old website does host accurate date however of late their old website is redirecting to new website which hosts totally erroneous data for all stocks and indices option chain. I have been complaining them but those thick skinned delinquents have chosen to blatantly and flagrantly abrogate their responsibilities and turn their deaf ears to our concerns. I couldn’t find any other website which shows option chain with both call and put data shown side by side on same page. This data is an integral and vital part of our technical analysis. If you know any such website or an android app which shows option chain data just like the old NSE website does then let me know.

On the New NSE website, in the Open Interest column and Total Open Interest shown below the option chain, the numbers shown are in terms of lots. If you multiple the shown number with the current lot size (75 for Nifty, 25 for Bank Nifty, 40 for FinNifty), it should come out to be same as the data that used to be shown on the old website.

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please let me know too …OI dosen’t get updated real time …the new one is pathetic

Ok. That’s the case. But it’s still bad because now we are burdened with this multiplication task. The older was better in this sense. This is totally foolish retrogression by NSE.

The OI data per strike price or the total OI data which is shown in the option chain of new NSE website is in terms of no of lots… Where as the OI data shown in old NSE website is in terms of no of shares / contracts. (75 for Nifty, 25 for Bank Nifty, 40 for FinNifty)… The is why there is a huge difference…

Use can use money control website, sensibull, etc.