Buy on rumor,sell on news!

I have heard about these line many times but not sure how to apply.does any one did this and booked profit/loss? Please explain with recent example

i did this.
i necessary didnt sold on the news but i would like to look what type of news it is and then i decide whether to buy or short sell for intraday.
if the news is positive and the stock is going up for the day in the morning, then i will buy it and if the stock has a bad news associated with it, and then if it is going down then i will sell it and profit from it.
rumor based buy is not recommended according to me because the tv analysts who recommends the stock sometimes also go wrong, so, buying on the base of rumors is not as effective as compared to selling on the news then whether that news is bad or good.


@ganesh07 The following videos may help.
