Call and put option

Request you guys to currect me if im wrong

If i sall Put options =price of stock need to go up,than i meke money

Buy put options market need to go down

Buy call options =market need to go up

Sall call options = market need to go down

Than i meke money right???
im not taking the time value d k in consideration to make it simple

Your interpretation is right, Koushik. Also, would suggest you give following module on Varsity for detailed information on Options:


Hey, just to be sure

if you buy Put Option: Market needs to go down to make money
if you buy Call Option: Market need to go Up to make money

Conversely, buying a put option gives the owner the right to sell the underlying security at the option exercise price. Thus, buying a call option is a bullish bet–the owner makes money when the security goes up. On the other hand, a put option is a bearish bet–the owner makes money when the security goes down