Can any quant over here guide me on a few points?

i am taking a free econometrics class on coursera .

we need a statistical analysis software for mean regression calculation etc .

i am confused in selection between “R” & “PSPP” .

priority is software should be easy to use & should be free .

kindly guide which one is better or if u have any third alternative , feel free to share your suggestions

thank you

GNU PSPP is a program for statistical analysis of sampled data.
R is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics.
Both are Open-source under GNU and you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
If you are good at programming go for R programming which is very simple and easy, you can also get good free library packages like quantmod, etc., from CRAN for stastical analysis in R Programming

i do not have a programming background .
i can use simple softwares , thats it .
can you share more details on PSPP ?

PSPP is a software tool with Graphic User Interface you can download it from and for the user manual check this

what will be best for me “R” or “PSPP” ?
i don’t have a programming background , and not exactly what people call “techasavvy” these days .

R is very simple programming language , try once, its very easy.