Can anyone share complete details of Adani Enterprises list of Demergers


I want to know the details of all Demergers of Adani Enterprises in last 5-7 years.

As you all know,Adani ENterprises was trading at 150-200 in 2012. But in last 7 years it has been demerged to Adani Ports,Adani Power,Adani Transmission,Adani Gas,Adani Green Energy.

Inspite of all these demergers,the stock is still trading at 150-200.

So I want to analyse the multiple times return which the stock has delivered due to demergers.

Can anyone share details of the demergers so that we can create an estimate saying.

If someone had invested 1.5 lakh(1000 shares) in Adani Enterprises in 2012 at 150.

Today he would be Holding
1.X No of shares of Adani Port worth Rs.____
2.Y No. of Adani Trasnmission worth Rs. ___
3. No. of Adani Power worth Rs. ___

So kindly help me in this regard