Can i buy and Sell Same Company Share in CMC mode in a single day? Then it count delivery or Intraday?
The answer is YES.
You can BUY using CNC and SELL it on the same day.
EVEN if you BUY using CNC and SELL it on the same day, it will be counted as an INTRADAY transaction.
Yes you can buy and sell stocks using CNC and it will be counted as intraday. Brokerage will be charge as per intraday charges.
In equity delivery only the brokerage applied by zerodha is zero, there are some other charges also like stampy duty,clearing charges etc.
Adding to the answer: You get margin benefit on certain stocks if you buy in MIS . but if you buy in CNC you need to have all the money in your trading account. If you sell same day no matter you used MIS or CNC …it will be consider as Intraday only.
how would brokeage be charged interday or delivery (since its is zero)?
when would the brokeage be charged i.e End of trading hours or instantly