Can intraday traders lose as much as positional traders in the event of a sudden market crash?

most people are of the opinion that intraday traders are safer when compared to their positional trading counterparts. Positional trading is obviously risky coz if a crash happens and market gaps adversely, the loss is tremendous. but i've also come across intraday traders who lost big time in 2008, inspite of having a SL and all that. one such story here

its about an intraday jobber who lost a lot of money. of course such things happen very rarely, like once in, say 20 years. still i was wondering whether intraday trading is as safe as its touted to be

If you are away from your screens and not having proper Stop losses /done proper risk management on your trades ,it doesn’t matter if you do positional or intra day .Both carry HUGE risks unless managed properly with proper SL and risk reward /management.

Any unfavorable news or movement can wipe you out in seconds ,forget days or month.

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Thats painfull…the 20 lakhs,who was the FM at that time?

its only .30% loss. if he trading with leverage then leverage is 5 to 10 % so his losses it only 1.5% to 3% of actual amount. its normal in intraday trading.

No one can predict the market movements.Trading styles can be different i.e. intraday or positional, one must take care risk management. Before taking trade you must know your SL, since maintaining the proper SL is the key thing in the market.

another story

but this guy(see link in question) was a professional jobber who glues himself to the seat every second of the trading day. and also maintains the tightest SLs. Still he got blown out of the water. and i guess the MM was also decent coz hes a pro with a decade worth of experience

He says he even goes does 70 crores worth of trade some times in a day .Come to think of it that he lost just 20 Lakhs on a very bad day with even with the tightest SL’s i wouldnt be surprised :=)


oh sorry it was PC…