I have been trading equity for some time now, Got some basics of F&O, but any video tutorials or links that you have used and found very efficient explanation, can you share here?
Any youtube link which impressed you most, is also welcome.
Found this link, could be useful, not a video but step by step lecture
visit the website of interactive brokers. Choose Education\Trader’s University. Go through various links in details. You would get lot of videos/info.
Thanks Mohan,
The links you pointed were not of much use, I think.
Again the same exhaustive study material explaining the basic stuffs.
What I was looking is some kind of interactive videos, like the ones pointed by mrsukesh.
Optionetics videos are really good, but a bit lengthy. I could not get hold of all the videos.
Only 2, i could find in youtube!
Dear AastroGuru.
Thanks for your views, but i shared the links thinking that you asked the information for the newbies in the trading world and i feel all the beginners need the understanding of the basics and core of the respective subject first.
Thanks for your thoughts and i checked your profile and really find you active and a sharing patron in this website…
Thanks for all the useful resources and thoughts you shared. I really appreciate.
Happy Trading
Yeah. Thanks.
But the idea behind this question is videos.
Many beginners are not book savvy and they hate reading a ton of text material to understand any sort of thing. I personally hate going through the NCFM module page by page.
If you have some video links, kindly post it, will be very helpful! Thanks again.