Chart for the scripts in order book, positions, holdings also

Can we have the chart option for any scrip that is either in order book, positions, holdings also ? Currently we have chart option available only for the scripts in watch list which is very limiting and poor user experience. In the long run, we should be able to see any tradable items in the watch list irrespective of it being in watch list, order, positions, or holdings etc.

Please can we know what is the plan and dates ? Thank you listening to user feedback as always.


This is planned to be released on Kite 3.0, which we are planning to launch by end of this month.


Thats a great news. Thank you @nithin for providing the date as well.

we are in the month of Aug, 2017. Looks like release date for Kite 3.0 has moved? When is the release? Please release it simulataneously on PC/Web and Cellphone.

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