This forum is filled with many such posts on FNO addiction and losses, try searching them and give it a read.
One such post on addiction and how the environment actually influences one’s behaviour.
Self-control doesn’t work in isolation, the environment too needs to be conducive.
And as always, when our self-control isn’t strong enough to overcome our impulses, we might have to focus on the environment. (i.e., alter the environment we live in).
Here, the environment refers to the circumstances, people, objects, and conditions by which one is surrounded.
Probably this moment of realization is the time during which one needs to take action.
i.e., You need to alter your environment such that it becomes impossible for u to trade again.
U can begin by closing/deactiving the FNO segment in your account.
Limiting your access to funds by transferring or giving control to your parents etc.
Or anything that would meet the purpose.
The point is, if self-control is not working, we need to somehow make it impossible to commit the same mistake again, by building obstacles and surrounding ourselves with people who could guide us.
Something i read on Self-Control & Environmental Effects👇
Environmental effects are important and often overlooked when we think about our decisions and behaviors. This is because our reflection is done in a cold state when we are not tempted by mindless TV, cookies, or sleeping in for an extra hour. If we want to be successful and develop systems and structures that will actually encourage self-control and good decision-making, then we have to predict how we will feel when we are in hot states, and we have to arrange our environment in a way that completely prevents the choices we want to avoid. Like We have to place the alarm away from the bed, so we have to actually get up when it goes off. Expecting that our self-control will hold is a good way to fail when temptation is all around.