Custom index of stocks

How to create custom index, which is made by group of stocks with variable weight in Pi or any other charting software(which is affordable) so that I can analyse it on candlestick chart??

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make a smallcase if you want to create a personal index
and have those stocks in a different watchlist, their you can study them as you want, and combined data you can see in small case for the same even on mobile app

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Thanks for your reply, but it is not in candlestick & only a weekly line chart.

Where can I find the above with Daily , Weekly & Monthly?

when you have stocks in your watchlist, you can study them any how you want

oh, sorry forgot to mention, in pi or kite watchlist

Sir, you are not getting my point.

I want to analyse that personal index (group of stocks with variable weightage) in candlestick chart that can be changeable to Daily , Weekly & Monthly Time frame.

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your personal index in smallcase will show you the combined data, thet’s 1st point
and 2nd point is create a marketwatch in pi or kite with those stock and study charts there
and last if you are to study charts of your personal index, i don’t think that possible on any platform till now
also that’s invalid, because if you study that, you wont be able to understand which technicals or fundamentals are good, that can be checked in smallcase news, and separate stocks chart

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smallcase provides daily line chart, but you need candlestick and different time frames
better you tag nithin here

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How to do that brother? Can you teach me?

let me do it
@nithin, can you please help my friend, i am unable to solve his query

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Thanks Bro :slight_smile: & @nithin

hmm… no easy way to do this. You could as @vijender88 said create a smallcase. After that you can get end of day index point for your smallcase. You can then plot a daily chart of it.

If you have to do this intraday, you would have to build like an excel utility. Create an index, give weightages to each stock, calculate new index value every minute or hour (whatever you prefer) and calculate your own new index. On Pi, you have an option to link marketwatch to excel. So pulling live data feeds onto excel sheet is quite straight forward.

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I want to analyze it on daily, weekly and monthly basis, aren’t there any commercial charting software which can make custom index?

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hmm… I can’t think of any that let’s you do this.


Can I pullout Historical Data from Pi?

Yep, open a chart for a stock and export it in excel. You will get the OHLC data

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