Difference Btw Period max( 10 , High(-20) ) and Period max( 10 , High(20) )

what is the Difference Btw
Period max( 10 , High(-20) ) and Period max( 10 , High(20) )

what means -20 & +20

@Streak can you.

Hi @Vivek_Naren
It’s the same in Streak since you can only look backward on the data and not look at forward data that has not formed yet.

Here you will find info on offset

Ok, so Then Period max(20, High(40)) = Period max(20, High(-20)) ?

No, read the link I had shared
Period max(20, High(40)) = Period max(20, High(-40))
Period max(20, High(-20)) = Period max(20, High(20))