Different price in Order Book and Positions page for the same trade?

I bought federal bank 50 quantity MIS @ 101.85 as limit price, and it got executed. (Later I converted it into CNC)
Now when I see the position page, the price there is 101.9
How did this happen?
Can anyone please tell me what happened here?

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Looks like you’ve bought 50 shares multiple times, hence the average price is 101.9.

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Yes! I had purchased 2 times(50 and 50). But the first 50 were squared off.
This is the order sequence:

  1. Buy MIS 50 Q @ 101.95
  2. Sell MIS 50 Q @ 102.45
  3. Buy MIS 50 Q @ 101.85…( This one converted to CNC )

Position page always show average price of the days trades.
Calculate the avg of the 2 buy trades.


I think that it will reflect the 85 value tomorrow.

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Yeah! Let’s see… Thanks :slight_smile: