Diiference in Totals of Daily & Weekly P&L

Dear Sir,

Here is my last week’s P&L daily basis Rows 4/12-8/12, Days’ TOT & Wkly-P&L. Values for daily & weekly were obtained using q.zerodha.com 's P&L reports, in Absolute.

Weekly PL

You can see there is big difference in figures of ‘Days TOT’ & ‘Wkly’. I can’t understand this.
(I use XLS with formulas. I dbl-checked formulas, they are all correct.)

Any one has any idea? Am I missing something? May be very basic??


Does this help ?

sorry, I don’t understand, ‘totalling for the day, wrong’…
I think, when I use ‘absolute’ there shouldn’t be difference.
where you mentioned Weekly segment earnings, it’s for the day… obtained by putting same date in From & To… And, weekly I obtained by setting 4/12 as ‘from’ & 8/12 as ‘to’ date.
yes, there is one thing… there are intraday & over-the-day transactions. But in case of ‘absolute’ that shouldn’t pose error.