Draw back of letting deep ITM of Nifty exiry


Is there any draw back if I leave deep itm Nifty contarct to expiry. I know if I sold, its not a problem 'cause I already paid SST. But what about long contracts?

Thanks for your help.

Long ITM contracts will be settled by the exchange at intrinsic value. Also, the STT will be applicable at 0.125% on the intrinsic value. Please check out this post for more details:

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so if I have sold 16500 PE and Nifty Expire at 16000. Then 500 is the amount that is in the Money.
So the 0.125 STT will be on Rs 500 X 50 ?

Is that correct ?

Or will it be on Rs 16000 X 50

The STT will be more than Rs 1000 for that !

Hy @Maverick_Trader

If you have shorted options, it is STT = (0.05% of the premium value) so if you let it expire on the exchange there are no extra charges.

Thank you Karthik,
How can I see at what price was my ITM options was squared off by my brokerage/exchange if I just the ITM option expire? Can I see it on Thursday Evening or Friday Morning ?