Entry is more important Or Exit in a trade to be a successful trader

Discounting of profits not brokerage. Primarily we are guinea pigs in the labs run by Zerodha, studying human behaviour at the expense of traders. Another derivative brand of N&V.

Thanks @Deekshith @Stark_Tony @amythraj @zerodhaqa @tqnamicasa for adding your valuable thoughts from experience. BRAVO!

Hi @Vandana1 You are extremely intelligent, wise, logical, smart & sincere. Basically you are brilliant in real life. But to be a consistently profitable trader you have to add yourself in the other 3%. Not in the 97% of great ppl here.

Best of Luck :+1: :candy: :pie: :popcorn: :hamburger: :candy:

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Agree with the consistency part :+1:
However on afterthought I now believe that a management of exit is more important than an entry … (because an entry is made by a trader at a good place itself )

Thanks for all the goodies too :smiley::smiley::smiley::smiley::clap::clap::clap::clap:


I have a suggestion for such days when there are technical glitches on broker end but nse site is working fine … if every trader is provided an id and a pw on nse site to exit trade in case of emergencies when broker platform is down then we can avoid such calamities/emergencies… need to give this suggestion to zerodha and nse though… this id pw although on nse will be linked to our choice broker platform too and instead of using zerodha platform directly we will be using zerodha platform indirectly through nse platform


One thing is for sure: if entry is not correct, the exits become even more important.


What ever be the case, both entry and exit matters equally as I have regreted my early exists from profitable trades that could have been a home run.I have regreted to entered in to some foolish trades as well.Its all descipline that matters the most weather it’s entry or exit.

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In the form of Predefined & strict Stop-loss.
@Neha_Raghuraman Wah! Very well said. Just awesome :+1:

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Nice suggestion but NSE never thinks about the welfare of traders. It shows it thinks about retail traders only. But in reality it doesn’t.
On the other hand Zerodha @nithin might take this suggestion positively and find out some solutions.

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That’s why I’ve given this suggestion to nithin … but he has not responded yet … but I’m sure he will respond sometime

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Ah… the exchange technology doesn’t work that way. You can connect to exchange only through a brokers execution management system. There is no concept like directly logging into NSE.


After traveling so many years in Bullock Cart (SBICap Sec) I can’t complain traveling in a Maruti Van now. It’s (Zerodha) a luxury for me.

I have incorporated Technical Glitches in my Position Sizing & Trading Strategy.

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I know … but I’m sure you can come up with a solution to allow traders to exit their positions when servers go down and they get trapped in a loss making position which they want to exit quickly

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Hmm… the only real solution is to not go down. We are trying to do our best to make sure the least downtime. But that said, there are bound to be times when platform goes down. Everyone from Facebook/Amazon/Google to everyone else face downtime.


It’s not called ‘complaining’… it’s called ‘giving an idea for better trades execution which gives more customer satisfaction and an edge to the broker compared to his competitors’

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Thanks for the positive response :+1:

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Anyways I like your platform a lot and the charts too

@Vandana1 Hahaha. During few technical glitches I have made really good money by not able to exit early and later on carrying forward the position for next couple of days (Not in Zerodha platform).


@AkashKB you are one lucky fellow …market will halt or turn back to make your trades profitable :money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face:

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But you are hardworking too and are sure of your trades so you don’t have to worry about a stuck trade … you are a professional … but what about the not-yet-so-professional people ?

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