Error while writing Formula in Amibroker - Any Help

Today is my very first day to programming in Amibroker. Tried the below to buy a crude oil 1 contract. But getting a warning message and not sure how do I execute the below so that it will send a signal to Pi.

//API Details –

//PlaceOrder(string pExchnge, string pTrdSymbol, string pSymbol, string pUserStrategyName, short

//pOrderSide, int pInitialQty, int pDiscQty, double pLimitPrice, double pTriggerPrice, string pOrderType, string

//pProdType, string pClientCode, string pValidity)





brd = CreateStaticObject(“pibridge.Bridge”);


//AFL Buy Logic

brd.PlaceOrder(“MCX”, “CRUDEOIL16MARFUT”, “MCXFUT”,“OILS1”, 1,1,0,2473,0,“L”,“NRML”,“XXXXXX”,“Day”);


Please post more details on the issue to help you out.

From your code, Amibroker will start posting continuous buy signal to pi which you need to stop the noise. Download zip file should have a template afl which needs to be inserted in your code which has a buy and sell signal coded in the afl.

