The Rights Entitlements (IBUL-RE) have been suspended from trading, so they won’t show in your Kite holdings. However, you can still apply for rights issue until 13th February. After this the REs will lapse and you will lose the premium paid the purchase these.
You can check the application process in the main post.
My zerodha account linked with primary eqitas bank,
So can i apply Ibull-RE rights issue from kotak net banking? Coz it is also one of my bank account.
Hi I have 2001 REvwhic I bought Thursday from s contrary amount,What is the amount which I should ask my bank to block in ASBA offline form Is it 1 lakh or 3 lakh
Thanks a lot,this forum has really helped me a lot, while doing ASBA from HDFC net banking, it is asking for facilitator code and CAF number,what do I enter here
Thanks a lot everyone. The discussion in this forum has cleared up a lot of doubts that I had regarding the rights issue. I have one last doubt, when I am applying for the rights issue, I have to put in the DP name. For Zerodha, I believe that is “Zerodha Broking Limited”. But the HDFC rights issue page has a limitation on length of the DP name, and I am only able to put in “Zerodha Broking Limi”. Is that going to affect my application in any manner?
RIGHTS allotted PARTLY PAID SHARE approved for trading and listing from 23.02.2024 . these are rs 50 paid and 100 payable .
Trading should be fully paid price of the day and time minus 100 plus 2-3% premium .
Hello can you please explain me what will happen next…
I bought fresh Ibull-RE shares on feb 8th in my zerodha account with qty of 955 shares at 43 total investment (41k), next day i applied right issues with same qty 955 shares at 50rs (application price) amount was debit (47.7k).
Yes, if you successfully applied and made the payment of 50/- for 955 shares, you will receive PP (Partly Paid) shares. This is because you paid 50/- out of the total of 150/-. The management may request the remaining 100/- at any time until the full payment of 150/- is completed. Until then, the PP shares will be tradable in the secondary market from the listing day. You have the option to sell these PP shares in the market if you wish. However, once the RTA (Registrar and Transfer Agent) declares the requirement for further payment, you will need to make the additional payment to fulfil the total of 150/-.
You bought RE from market and applied 955 partly paid shares . this 955 pp shares will appear in trading account by 23.02 the listing day . these are 50 paid and will have separate listing .
About balance payment of rs 100 the details are not mentioned by co except that it will be called within 1 year from date of allotment . it is the prerogative of co to call all 100 at 1 time or in installments .
2638 applications for 57 lakh 50011 shares were rejected . total valid subscription 201.19 %. 3 crore 12 lakh 55027 additional shares were allotted to application in Shareholder category wherein NIL in Renouncee category .
“However, once the RTA (Registrar and Transfer Agent) declares the requirement for further payment, you will need to make the additional payment to fulfil the total of 150/-.”
Question on the above:
How this is notified and how the payment is done. I have a Zerodha account. Does it show up there or will I get an email? or does it auto deduct from my bank account?
there will be record date as and when company calls for balance 100 (may be all at a time or in installments ) and you will also get an email . accordingly you get about 15 days to make payment . trading of PP share will be in no trading zone for about a month from record date . NO AUTO DEBIT .
LAST TRADING DAY of partly paid share 19 July 2024. Thereafter about 40-50 days or more NO Trading ZONE for partly paid shareholders TILL full balance rs 100 is paid and merged with existing fully paid share . CALL MONEY PAYMENT schedule is yet to be announced.