Everything You Need To Know About Mold-Tek Packaging Rights Issue

You will have to apply for rights shares from LinkInTime website, failing to do so by 11th November will mean you will lose all the money you have paid to purchase the RE’s, as these will be extinguished once the issue closes.

The process to apply as explained above.

How to apply for Mold-Tek Packaging rights issue?

Once you either receive the RE’s from the company or purchase it from the market, you can apply for the rights shares using Netbanking ASBA, you can check the process in this post .

You can also apply for the Rights Issue through the website of the Registrar & Transfer Agent .

You will need to enter your demat account’s Beneficiary Owner ID which is a 16-digit number while applying either on the RTA’s website or through Netbanking ASBA.