F&O trading should be banned

So the only way for a person to get rich via trading is not be a retailer and have your own fund or work for a fund. Let’s widen the inequality, let’s take away people’s opportunity to earn good enough money.

you seem to be tonedeaf. lol.
An opportunity to lose one’s wealth is not an opportunity to make wealth.

You claim to be a trader, but you are not willing to change your POV when presented with data opposing your view. Are you one of those revenge traders, who keeps taking the same trade and become bankrupt?

Anyway, Since there are no new questions, I conclude this years thread.
(my personal rule is not to spend more than 1 day in 1 year in spreading awareness).

Please check my last year thread on same topic, lot of people argued with me then. and most of them are no longer on this forum. they probably lost money and left the market.
I am curious to see how many people argued with me this year survive another 1 year without blowing their savings.

I did go through your history. In the beginning i thought you are just a caring guy who doesn’t really understand derivatives but now it makes sense you are an a hole. Ofc people who left lost money right, it’s not like that they probably got bored of the forum?

Yearly awareness more like yearly annoying people. I actually feel so bad i wasted my time on this thread.


I agree with you buddy but banning whole derivatives trading is not a practical approach instead of that there should be some eligibility criteria to do derivatives, it can be a serious education program with proper exam and along with that there should be a limitation for capital deployment in the category, it can be based on person’s previous ITR or net worth. There should be proper consultation from brokers side for the traders who are continuously loosing money in derivatives. Also if regulators want to take some extreme steps then they can discontinue naked buying or selling of options, only hedged positions should be allowed.

See you next year, most will stop arguing after doing it once. And i wont argue either. Dont have time for this.

And most people likely do not blow their savings. There is a leap from losing to losing all. Only the most reckless ones do that.

And yeah failure rate is high, because people commit before actually working to get proof and waiting for it. And in not realizing that short term ups and downs is no proof. ANd if you never get proof, don’t commit. But they gamble instead.

And if a single failure turns you away from markets, you cant blame markets for lack of resilience. Even investing will have terrible years which will turn many away, Right now its all hunky dory.

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Bro hats off, u r doing great n successful at taming the dragon.

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That because majority of you’s trade with pledged margin and do same limited stratergies that everyone doing. i trade with cash so i can create my own stratergies which involves both buy(not just OTM but also ITM) and write positions. also you need different stratergy for every market condition.
here is my live expiry day setup. this is 2 stratergy merged into one which i deployed at two different points to give 100% profit probability.


@gsecgsec Appreciate you views and meaning full thought. Seems you are educated and holding Good Academic Degrees. my advice is that if you wish to banned F&O Trading then you have to approach SEBI and Government. “NOT ON THIS PLATFORM”

This Platform was Created by Traders and for Traders. So please Don’t blow your mind here approach Concern authorities or file PIL in SC.

AND FOR @TradeB2B @Joe_Maxpayne @paekut @Shaunsensei @SpacemanSpiff seems you guys don’t have Trade to look into. why you are wasting time for this nonsense discussion. Do Read Something. Do Plan Trade.
and if you don’t have to read or take Trade then have fun or take Sleep instead to disturb you peace in this Discussion.

hahah, yeah i am wasting too much time on forums, agree. Gotta reduce.
Trading is automated for many of us.


Positional trades + systematic process has left a lot of free time in my case.

I guess some traders starting courses and coaching must be putting this extra time to use.

Thanks, this is intense. No mate, I tried many different strategies in Options i.e. spreads, condor, Futures hedge, even selling Fut. I have crossed that stage of mere buying options as it’s seldom profitable. It’s not designed to be profitable else nobody would Sell no? I mostly go with ITM but I am assuming the trend goes wrong every time I fail. I am on Puts, like since Elections are over, I was assuming profit-booking but markets kept going ATH & even breakout. Had I been reverse, the strategies would have given good money.
Cash does give me extremely good results. But need a bigger capital for that, at least with a target of 5% per month.

They say, everybody is genius in a bull market.


but that’s the same or worse for “restaurants” business too. Isn’t it? The only issue I see in Trading is it calls for extreme level of discipline, which may not be as demanding in other businesses or profession. This month, 40% of my monthly profits were blown by only 2 trades because I left it to “chance” again with a “hope”. And as usual market was ruthless in punishing me. I feel consistency in your discipline and strategy is very important. Be it SLs or hedging. Or booking profits. Banning this may limit opportunities but at the same time FnO are merely hedging instruments. I was surprised when Jane Street reported they made billions from Indian markets last year on a secret strategy. I know Goldman Sachs etc all make money. We just have to be smarter, because there are entities like Millenium who also take counter trades to JS. The current bull run is something I feel like post Covid V-shape recovery. Most who have lost must be shorting the bull run.

There are low periods faced by every trader when you want to give up. What you do in those periods is what separates you from unsuccessful ones.

Continuous experimentation is the key. There are infinite things which can be done in the market as it is huge. Trying a lot of new things repeatedly till we bump with a couple that suit us. And this is a continuous process as market dynamics change. I am sure you will find your conviction again, as I can see that you haven’t stopped experimenting.

Also, there should be a source of inspiration which generates new ideas. For me, it’s Youtube. It definitely keeps a pipeline of ideas going and reduces time required for experimentation as well.

Further, whether the market goes up or down, we must be making money in all scenarios. Bull / bear should not matter. I have done this and I’m sure others can.



Will you go to SEBI office tomorrow and protest ?

if not , then please stop crying on forums.

Bro thanks, honest views and successful traders like you motivate me to keep going. It definitely throws me out of the game multiple times, and but each time i filter out the bad experiments & keep a journal of the good ones to consistently follow them. I have been seeing stock market since 15 years, but passionately n full time since Jan 24. It’s extremely challenging. But at least I can tell you that I have crossed that stage where I will go broke! Do respond to my DMs, you’re an inspiration!

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bro, i am from corp world since 17 yrs. It has its own challenges. The upskill n re-skill u r saying will definitely hone your skills. And i do believe there it polishes you and makes one learn a lot from the world and its affairs. I also believe that trading should not be for beginners, it should be under expert guidance and alongside job. Same applies to any business. Only diff. a job at someone else’s business gives u a stable income, business doesn’t. But business is scalable if done right, so is trading.

Sebi will kick him out !
Fno is the biggest cash cow of any financially indipendent country. Someone has to be a fool to ban it .lol
We don’t walk on railway tracks, we dont go to secluded places alone at mid night , we don’t eat poison when we are hungry, we don’t shoot a mosquito when it bites us… Why … common sense.
Sebi and RBI can’t do anything for trader’s common sense. They are doing as much as they can… Reduced leverage, Implimented hedging for reducing margin, showing warning windows when login etc etc

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