FCO(21)>REF(FCO(21),1) Can you explain to a Layman

I am learner. Any one can explain it in plain language. I tested in EA and getting a lot of erraneous alerts( going overhead). For sell I just changed the > to <. I am reading tradescript manual.unable to understand sometime. Please explain me about fractual choas oscillator.

Don’t know about fractal chaos oscillator, but the code means Buy if current candle FCO value is greater than the previous candle FCO value.

This is just an example given in the manual. You need to build upon a strategy using these concepts.

See the code given here for reference.

Thank you sir, Buy if current candle FCO value is greater than the previous candle FCO value… understood. About FCO as per tradescript manual, A buy signal generated if the oscillator tops and sell signal if the oscillator bottom. Where comes the candle. for the equation to trigger?.for me something wrong…