FII/FPI Phased out DII's

There are many post -mortem on stock market crash , media and by many including this one, FII/FPI are able to sell more than DII’ , they have done it previously , in the month of February 2018 & April 2018 , now again( in both cases market crashed) and showing who is the masters of Indian Stock market , This is , probably due to SEBI , largely by the revenge of NRI’s :slightly_smiling_face: Probably FII/FPI wants to exit Indian stock market before Parliamentary Election. FII/FPI sold more than DII’s in excess of 2600cr in just 4 trading sessions. So if Indian mutual fund investors gets panic & start redemption, market will crash like a failed rocket! .



Wasnt April bullish and March bearish?


April is bullish i remember man i was fooled very good in March end by operators

First and last time i will be fooled by operators

This kind of Circus happens every year in Market! If you are a investor, then you should accumulate. These are golden opportunities in secular bull market! Always do SIP, never invest all at once!!

FII/FPI Continued their selling and are continued dumping ( thanks to SEBI , probably FII/FPI don’t want FNO physical settlement) Indian stock market , I observed whenever FII/FPI sells worth more than 2000Cr , stock market crashes , today was one of the example , so i assume FII/FPI will continue dumping Indian stock market , Nifty may touch much lower levels.

How to find that some trade/stock is being driven by operators?

I am saying in general terms, in my definition, everything can be operated

From April to August, it was just inflation of FII held stocks, I guess to give them high prices to exit which they did from September

The world was embroiled in trade wars, but Indian markets created a new all time high in that period, with FMCG, Pvt banks and other FII holdings inflated like anything. And now those very stocks fell 30-40% in one month when FIIs are leaving.

Nice game.

Specifically if you want example of operated stocks, it’s those which move in circuits (upper circuits or lower circuits)

literally small cap companies like Goa carbon, HEG, Graphite India, which hits either upper circuit or lower circuit on daily basis, are operator driven… Am I right :thinking:
These are the stocks which are suggested by the business channels and experts often.

I think a better example is IBVENTURES, SORILINFRA type stocks and the usual BSE stocks which move without reason

Graphite electrode companies had a reason to move which was macro reason and a genuine news which everyone knows

So even if they move in circuits, it was I guess because their valuation increased so fast due to China closing down GE production, that moving normally was not an option, so it just moved in circuits.

But problem with GE companies is once there is bad news like China reopened production, the operators will know much before, and it will go down like falling cards.