Gap between 91 Dyas T-bills and 91 Days FD

In recent months gap between 91 Days T-Bills and FD is getting huge. Any idea why so?
Current FD rates for 91 Days are 3.90% while T-Bills are fetching 5.59%.

Banks have adequate liquidity, so they don’t need to raise the deposit rates to attract more funds.

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That is surely one point. This makes 91 Days T-Bills really attractive. Would be nice to accumulate them.

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Again, FD rates depend on the Bank as well. I just checked IDFC 91 days, it is 4%. RBL bank is 4.5%. The rates keep varying between banks. For Senior Citizens, AU bank offers 5.25%

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Right, I compared with T-Bills as it’s ultra-safe so I took base as SBI.

Agree. It is right to compare apple with apple. Hence comparing Tbill with SBI bank rate is the right way to look at it. However, as bank deposits are guaranteed upto 5 lacks (both private and psu), if the amount involved is upto 5 lacks, you could consider other bank rate as well.

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