Getting funding for net profitable traders

Where do profitable traders get funding from if they want to scale ? Do brokerage houses take interest in this through their prop desks ?

Sure, one can keep compounding one’s own money, but that is time consuming. Suppose a net profitable trader who earns say 5% a month and has 10 lakhs, it would take years for him to scale. I’m sure he can find investors who would be willing to put 2-3cr or even higher, but how to reach ?


@nithin Can you shed some light on this ?

This is like asking how do good actors get themselves a role in a movie or a sportsman get selected to play for a team. :slight_smile:

If you are good enough, you can approach folks with money and offer to provide your services for a fee. It could be brokerage firms, HNIs, hedge funds, etc.

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You mean Firms like zerodha?

Ah no, I mean brokerage firms that only trade for themselves - prop trading desks.

If you have a great performance, you can write to with your track record.


Thanks Nithin for the reply, its an AIF so more like a hedge fund, would truebeacon be really interested in a retail trader who makes money ?

Give it a try, just write to them, I think you have nothing to loose even if they have not considered you.