Help in options strategy making

What needs to be done to make a range of 85 to 105 in the below if we have sold 85 CE @ 6.5 which is currently trading @ 13

You can not do much in this trade as it already gone against your prediction so if you want to hold it till expiry then you can buy 100ce at cmp 3.4. Then your max profit will be 23560 and max loss will be limited to 90440.

It is better to hedge position during entry time. Naked call is very risky. I lost big money by shorting naked call of Godrejcp.


i exited when it came to 94. but thanks for replying. can u share some learning that u got after trading various strategies

very true boss!!!

pleace find some liquid stock or just trade in index that is much easy firstly and there are tons of different things and strategy in option to save you and your view. the OC of “BEL” is total dry not fit for doable trade .not atlist for me .
1.bull call spread
2.bear put spread
3.butter fly
4.iron condor
5.bear call spread
6.bull put spread …
and soo long list .
long story short just do hedge cappe your losses.
you gain profit automatically …
Peace :v:

Now I do buying rather than selling options. Its a way better for retailers to buying options rather than selling. I will explain the faq. The only thing you need to note that you must know chart reading.
Buying options is less risky but the chace of profit is low. Because of low chance of profit on buying options you just need to do momemtum trading. Don’t hold options, Whenever you see their is a chance of momemtum in the market just buy ATM Index options and hold for few second or minutes and squireoff immedietly when you see good profit in the MTM. Exit rule is very easy, If you see there is no momemtum after buying just sell it whether it is in loss or profit. You will only able to sustain in options only if you do momemtum trading. Options Holding is not ideal for retailers no matter you are buying or selling. I am saying this after 4 years experience in the market.

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funde apne apne…
every strategy every move you make to trade every thing you read in book or see in you tube vdos every thing will go in gutter when market is live…
there is only one thing is important no matter what you do. JUST BE IN GREEN

The ideal way to build any option trading startegies is to be expert & grab some knowledge about it.

Some best ways to learn include -

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  4. Learning Guides

Coming to your problem, I completely agree what @Parth_Desai has suggested. I would have followed these strategies.

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