How do you keep track of all of your trades' profits? How do you calculate?

No, I need to calculate XIRR. I know if I am in profit or loss by doing a basic calculation exercise. I don’t need CAGR, I need XIRR.

Don’t you all do this?

Say if I could make 15% or 18% in XIRR, that would be wonderful.

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Backoffice can be used for tax purpose and to get final pnl numbers. But for evaluating trading, best to have your own tradelog and some way to get trading stats on it - returns, top 5 dd, returns/maxdd, DD time to recover, win rate, equity curve etc etc

I use my own python scripts as that way i can get what i need. Excel might work well too. Or there might be libraries or applications available for it already.

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Yes, have been doing that. Making all entries in my own journal, but it is getting tedious.

I don’t know any Python or Cobra, so I am doing everything manually, and compared to doing this, looking at charts is getting relatively easy :grin:

I use portfolio feature of ET Markets app

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Can you explain a little bit about the features, I am interested in XIRR. I really want to know.

Your ledger report shows the credit and debits in to your trading account with dates. Now with excel XIRR function you should be able to compute it.

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I did open an account with Finvasia just for short term trading, so all the transactions, every single one of them belongs to trading, so I will have the transfers, buys, sells and charges information. I don’t have such a report now.

The thing is, I am taking quite a number of small trades, so to enter the details of all these trades manually and getting the precise XIRR is what I need.

I don’t want to type so much, I want to click and select to reduce typing :neutral_face:

I am enjoying the trading I am doing, so I want to know if the trading is really giving any decent return or not.

Instead of %/annualized% returns, i prefer to just see the numbers in terms of X = trade risk. That’s very easy to do and sits well with my brain and then its easy to compare returns DD etc.

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You should be able to download the ledger report in csv from backoffice and then just add the xirr formula to do this.

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I am doing a mix of HFT and scalping in short term trading, and as such, each trade comes with a predetermined capital unless the CMP is greater, predetermined profit and loss, so even if all the trades give losses, it will still be the same predetermined number, so I don’t think DD applies to me.

I don’t let my winning horses run as far as the eye can stretch, I stop them once the target is taken, in the hope that I will be able to find such horses more and more :horse:

This sounds like a practical solution to my issue, thank you.

I guess it’s been a while since I downloaded a data file in csv format, so completely forgot about it. Hope this solves my headache.

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DD means how much you have lost (including M2M if significant) from peak during phases when system is not working. Its probably the most important metric as that will determine how much risk we can take and it will put returns in perspective of risk.
In trading its always relevant irrespective of trade management. Anyway, all of these things can be done once edge is confirmed and before scaling up … gl

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I can’t type so much. I don’t understand what you’re looking for. But for me it provides every minute detail i.e available cash, notional gain/loss in absolute &% terms for each stock, ltp of stock, realised p&l etc.
Download and explore yourself. If you don’t like it, simply delete.

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Just started, so it will take at least a year to come to any kind of basic conclusion, time wise, and as I gain experience and confidence, I will increase my capital allocation, so yes there is a long way to go.

I have just started climbing, so no peak in sight, so there is no DD too :grinning:

I will look into it.

Right now, I am entering number of shares, buy price, sell price, dates, charges, all of it manually. Unless I enter these the XIRR will not come properly.

I can calculate in absolute and percentages, it takes a minute. I want XIRR, so that I can know if what I am doing is better or I should choose another product which gives me more return.

I have an excel sheet for XIRR calculation. CAGR doesn’t make sense when you are withdrawing and adding funds regularly.

Outflows for my calculation.

  1. Funds added.
  2. Mutual funds from coin from august 1
  3. IPO


  1. Current account value shown in console.
  2. Dividend received
  3. Buy back received.

It takes less than 5 mins to update all of this for me every week on Saturday.

In fact from very long I was thinking I should make a post on how to calculate XIRR. But then kept procrastinating.

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Can you post the sheet here? I would like to see if it helps me.

Or better yet, you can post the thread.

Yeah. Will try to do it by the end of the day.

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There you go…

Here are the prime KPIs I track:

  • Overall XIRR
  • Runway

If there are 3 trading strategies, then there must be 3 different sheets [I use Google Sheets] to track each one, complete with -

  • tradelogs, with learning generated from every trade
  • monthly achievement v/s target
  • variation in % accuracy
  • separate XIRRs
  • Other params like win-loss ratio, equity curve, profit factor
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