i take 1 lot (125 share) at Rs 40 of Tech mahindra of strike point 1850CE underlying value 1840. After some time underlying value reduce then i bought 1 lot (125 share)at Rs 15 of Tech mahindra underlying value 1750. after some time i sell 1 lot at Rs 7 . Now i have 1 lot (125 share)at Rs 20 remain and tech mahindra underlying recovered to 1852 today. now tell me may i sell them in loss or wait for expiry 29 may. Tell me what to do to make profit?
Shobhit, if you are holding calls, the only way you can profit is if the stock price goes up before end of expiry, there is nothing anyone can do to make profit.
Should you sell in loss or wait again is for you to decide based on your strategy. If you don't have a strategy, make sure that from the next time around you have one. Strategy is the reason for which you are buying, when you will sell and when you will book a loss, all decided before taking a trade and not after taking a trade.
If you are a beginner I'd advise you to not average down like you did, that is if you make a loss add more. This might work a few times, but eventually there will be a time when the losses will go up exponentially because the positions would be so much bigger by averaging down.
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