i m confused in “call option” and “put option” and also how to trade option in pi
could anyone provide a video demo or anything else that how these “call” and “put” option are traded in pi
what is meant by “pe” and "ce " type in option dialog box
nitin sir plz help me so that i can start trading options in pi
PE stands for Put European and CE stands for Call European
Harsha thank you.
CE- is called as Call option which mean thinking that the particular stock price will go UP so you buy that stock using CE.
PE- is called as Put option which mean thinking that the particular stock price will go DOWN so you buy that stock using PE.
For ex: SBIN you think it will cross 230 today and the current market price is 227. so while trading on option you will choose SBIN July28th expiry date strike price 225CE 1 lot(3000 qty) @ 7.30 Rs per share. Similarly for Put option also.
Hello everyone,
Today, I did options buy bankinfty this is my first trade in options(BANKNIFTY17SEP23900CE NFO). I buy 1 lots(40) in NRML below is brief explanation
Buy: 40 x 134.5 =5380 Sell: 40 x 137 = 5480 I close the trade on same day with profit of 100.
But, under fund section Options premium is showing -100.
So am little bit confuse whether am in profit or loss…
can anyone help me in this…