How to draw 45degree angle from any price point in KITE chart

Can any one has any idea, How to draw 45degree angle from any price point in KITE chart.

you can use Gann fan.

We need to ensure 45degree first then GANN fan can be put. GANN fan by itself does not ensure 45degree angle.

It’s not necessary to have the line at exact 45 degrees. However the one thing you can do is, the chart has grids, consider a cell and mark the distances on the cell so that it appears square in your head. Now when you join these corners with a line, the angles of that line roughly equates to 45 degrees.

edit - and after making the line 45 degrees by the above method, you can then move the line to whatever price point you want it to be.

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I m afraid there is no trend angle tool in kite, so you will have to practice and use judgement with gann fan.

or you can online protractor tool to get a judgement.

Also ask for the this tool in the kite 3 beta, may be nithin might oblige.