How to transfer Shares (Physical Format) from father to me (Zerodha Demat)



I observed that you have some communication issues. For Ex: you wrote in this email as the first sentence “I recently mailed the registrar with the above mentioned kfin technologies site.”

Here one can’t understand who the Registrar is !

My understanding from your email entire content is like this:

That you have State Bank of India (SBIN) shares with you in physical format., SBIN’s IPO year is approximately 1993 and since then they are in physical format. Whether these shares are on your name or not, is not known.

SBIN’s Registrar is KFinTech and you emailed to [email protected] who is related and is answerable to IPOs / equity / bonds.

I could not find the matter related to your content in the email which was emailed to [email protected] and also content related to reply from them.

I will be more helpful to you once you can forward the two emails to me, one which you sent and one they replied to you.

I may require more info like on who’s name physical shares are? and an image copy of physical share certificate etc. Lot more can be explained to you over a single phone call to me on 9491701582.

All the best

Banka Sudhakara Rao

Banka Sudhakara Rao

ONGOLE - 523 001.

Ph: 91107 36512.