I am tired of waiting, Please let us know when you will enable bracket orders

Please enable bracket orders I do not know why other people are not mentioning that for retail customer it is always advisable to use Bracket orders to avoid huge losses.

Could you please unblock bracket orders, now there is not that much volatility markets are quite stable.

You can try using GTT, check this, it will serve the same purpose as BO and much beyond, also it can be carried over for next day.
Currently GTT is allowed on eq and fno Index, soon will allow on all stock fno.

Thanks for your reply but I am interested in intraday trading not CNC.
I want to close the position within the same day and I need to have compulsory stoploss and target.

You can trade intraday with cnc but only thing is you can’t short first and no leverage.

That is not very helpful, please bring the BO orders back, now market is not that volatile, those days were very limited. Its past those days.