I have 100 shrs of a company on date d1 and buy addnl. 50 shrs on date d2 and sell 30 shrs on d2, so will 30 shrs sold on d2 be treated as intraday on d2 or a FIFO on the initially bought 100 shares

I have 100 shrs of a company on date d1 and buy addnl. 50 shrs on date d2 and sell 30 shrs on d2, so will 30 shrs sold on d2 be treated as intraday on d2 or a FIFO on the initially bought 100 shares.I have 100 shrs of a company on date d1 and buy addnl. 50 shrs on date d2 and sell 30 shrs on d2, so will 30 shrs sold on d2 be treated as intraday on d2 or a FIFO on the initially bought 100 shares.ff

30 Share sold on day 2 is considered as intraday & the remaining 20 shares will be credited to the DP account on a T+2 days.. 

In case if you sell the shares on day 3 then the number of shares sold will be debited from the holdings i.e the shares bought on day 1 not of day 2. 

Check this link for more details.

i held 100 shares of a company. a month later, i decide to sell 100 (at a loss) and buy 100 again on the same day (note that for sale and buy of the shares i’ve used CNC option on Kite) will this be an intraday transaction or will this qualify for delivery?


Are the DPcharges applicable for this also?

But in Brokerage caliculator, it shows total chargesare Rs.9.99/-
are the DP charges extra from the above mentioned charges?

I am learning trading. For this purpose i am buying small quantity of shares to avoid huge losses. so, I baught 1 share of PNBGILTS @Rs.47/- and sold @ Rs.55/- for experimenting.
for this trade also dp charges applicable?

DP charges will be applicable only if you sell the shares from your demat. So in your case

  1. You buy and sell on the same day - no DP charges.
  2. You buy today and sell tomorrow (BTST) - no DP charges.
  3. You buy today and sell day after, DP charges will be applicable.

Thank you sir, for replying to my post