I Quit My Job for Full-Time Trading... Then I Had to Quit Trading!

Honestly It didn’t seem that the strategy mention came up incidently… That’s why I asked about it as it felt you actually wanted to share and feel proud or boast or something of that sort…

I had no expectations that you would actually share it, but I also didn’t have an expectation that you will respond rudely to my simple request :roll_eyes:

But anyway, I request everyone else to pls stop the leg pulling / trolling :face_holding_back_tears:


I’m too old to care about this “leg pulling” and “trolling” nonsense. But thanks for telling people to cut the crap on my behalf.

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Asking a stranger to share a trading strategy in an online forum is the weirdest request ever, in my opinion. So, I gave you a blunt response. If you thought it was rude, tough luck. That’s probably just a cultural difference.

You are not a stranger Sir we all know you, you are participating frequently in a public forum and that is enough for us to ask questions, comment on your posts etc etc.

You were talking about something great that you have discovered by research so someone asking what is it out of curiosity & sarcasm is not the weirdest request ever… Spend more time in online forums and then you will get to see actual weird things… Peace :v:

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How old are you, really? I thought stock markets were for adults, though I know minors can have accounts these days. Just so you know, the strategy I mentioned wasn’t invented by me, it was discovered. There’s a difference if you get what I mean. Plenty of books cover this strategy. It’s out there, but you won’t hear much about it in stock market forums or courses because it’s not some gimmick. I’m not naming it because finding this strategy wasn’t easy for me.

Name one book that has this strategy to double and I will believe you.

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Book titles alone do 90% of the job. Why should I care if you don’t believe me? Why should I care if anyone reading this doesn’t believe me? A mature response would be to shrug it off and move on. Instead, the way people are reacting makes me think they’re either genuinely upset by my comments or just incredibly immature.

Why should I not care? I am one among your well wishers.
I just asked because almost everyone in the market is saying you have a fantastic strategy a hidden gem. I was intrigued.
Some are saying you have beaten the market. I genuinely was intrigued. They are also saying you are among the top traders.

Oh really? Looks like I’ll need to start hiring personal bodyguards next time I’m out. Jokes aside, it’s not impossible to navigate the derivatives market and make a modest return, similar to any other typical business. Go ahead, do your homework and find out how.

P.S - Indeed, I have beaten the market, not through derivative trading, but through long-term investing.

I am also interested in your strategy if it can do this
images (23)

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So many heavy words ad hominem,false dichotomy .
download (16)

Since I eschew the consumption of Hindi commercial cinema, I find myself unable to appreciate the crass and simplistic humor you seem to favor. My intellectual pursuits demand a more refined and nuanced discourse, hence my preference for employing terms such as ad hominem and false dichotomy, which evidently surpass your comprehension.

No, because the response to which this question was asked has been removed by the moderator.

Okay “Time-Lord”, you can continue churning ‘frothy words’, the rest of us mortals don’t have unlimited free time to waste…


Even Shashi Tharoor won’t understand this. :saluting_face:

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Zerodha mods having a great time enjoying this thread i suppose


Okay. I am out. :point_up_2:


Indeed A.i is dangerous as said by some wise peoples😂


Hey guys, closing this post since there isn’t any meaningful discussion going on here, plus lots of flags reporting various responses.