In daily chart stock is bullish but in weekly or monthly view stock is bearish, so should i buy it for 1-3 months time

In let top corner we can selecr 1min, 3min, 5min,…1d, 1w, 1m

So in 1d chart bullish but in week and month view its bearish. i like to buy stocks for 1to3 months time period, so what should i do?


Let me know Stock name I can help you out.

Thank you.

Elder Alexander writes:

When professionals are in doubt, they look at the big picture, while amateurs tend to focus on the short-term charts. Taking a longer view works better —and is a lot less nerve-wracking.

So when in doubt, always follow the higher timeframe as the trend. If the monthly chart is showing bearish, and weekly is showing bullish, it’s better short or wait for confirmation on the monthly chart before you go long.

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Thanks…for replying and sharing your knowledge.

And if stochastics in 1d is towards 80 but stochastics is towards 20 in week, month or sometime in one of them.
