INDUSINDBK TRADE SET UP: traded with call credit spread

Yesterday there was potential trade setup in indusindbk…

Which triggered today…

Sell @ 1348.6
Sl@ :smiling_face:1400

I have traded using call credit spread as indusindbank have moderate implied volatility 45…

Sold 1400 call nov expiry
Bought 1450 call nov expiry

Share you details after market…Still adding more lots…

Greeks right now.

Theta : 150
Vega: 150…

I have added more call credit spread…
Our trade set up made some profit

Here is trade details…

Let’s continue trade…
Theta 500
Vega 500

Indusindbk trade…

Made 3500 rs.

Indusindbk has came up fastly…

Due to call credit spread.we got profit from iv drop from 45 to 40.
We are in profit…