Intraday afl for calculation of 0915 am to 1015 am candle (1 hour) fibonacci level

 I want to calculate 1st one hour 915am to 1015 am fibonacci level. Can you please tell how i can do it in afl?

​The code given on amibroker site is now displaying anything

tn = TimeNum();

// define start/end hours in TimeNum format
StartTime = 93000;
Endtime = 113000;

// these conditions are true when TimeNum of the bar equals startime/endtime
StartBar = tn == StartTime;
EndBar = tn == Endtime;

// on the end bar we read the value of highest high or lowest low since the start bar
myH = ValueWhen( EndBar, HighestSince( StartBar, High ) );
myL = ValueWhen( EndBar, LowestSince( StartBar, Low ) );

// display price and high / low arrays
Plot( Close, "Close", colorDefault, styleBar|styleThick );
Plot( myH, "myH", colorGreen, styleThick );
Plot( myL, "myL", colorRed, styleThick );

// grey lines show how highest high / lowest low develop since start bar
Plot( HighestSince( StartBar, High ), "", colorgrey50 );
Plot( LowestSince( StartBar, Low ), "", colorgrey50 );

// area chart shows the zone we are reading our values from
Plot( tn >= StartTime AND tn <= Endtime, "", 
      ColorBlend( colorYellow, colorWhite, 0.9 ), 
      styleArea | styleOwnScale, 0, 1, 0, -1);


This code is not displaying high low .I have copied from amibroker site. Please guide me .


you can refer the below code of fibonacci 

    Automatic Fib Levels
Plot(C,"", colorWhite,styleBar);

// Get values for fib levels 

FinishBar = EndValue( BarIndex() ); 
i = startbar;
period = FinishBar - StartBar;

Lo =LLV(L,period);
Hi = HHV(H,period);
Line0 = 0; 
Line1 = 0;
Line2 = 0;
Line3 = 0;
Line4= 0;
Line100 = 0;

for( i = startbar; i < finishbar; i++ )
Line0  = EndValue(Lo);
Line100 = EndValue(Hi);
Line1 = Line0 + abs(Line100-Line0)*0.236;
Line2 = Line0 + abs(Line100-Line0)*0.382;
Line3 = Line0 + abs(Line100-Line0)*0.5;
Line4 = Line0 + abs(Line100-Line0)*0.618;

Line100  = EndValue(Lo);
Line0 = EndValue(Hi);
Line1 =Line0 - abs(Line100-Line0)*0.236;
Line2 = Line0 - abs(Line100-Line0)*0.382;
Line3 = Line0 - abs(Line100-Line0)*0.5;
Line4 = Line0 - abs(Line100-Line0)*0.618;


// external fib lines begining fom selecetdbarindex()
fib0= LineArray(startbar, Line0, finishbar, Line0, 0, 1);
fib100 = LineArray(startbar, Line100, finishbar, Line100, 0, 1);

// depth of middle lines
n= round((finishbar-startbar)/2);

// middle lines
fib1= LineArray((finishbar-n), Line1, finishbar, Line1, 0, 1);
fib2= LineArray((finishbar-n), Line2, finishbar, Line2, 0, 1);
fib3= LineArray((finishbar-n), Line3, finishbar, Line3, 0, 1);
fib4= LineArray((finishbar-n), Line4, finishbar, Line4, 0, 1);

Plot(fib0,"", colorBlue);
Plot(fib100,"", colorRed);
Plot(fib1,"", colorYellow);
Plot(fib2,"", colorPink);
Plot(fib3,"", colorOrange);
Plot(fib4,"", colorLightBlue);

Title = Name() + " -  FIB LEVELS ";