Is daily SIP better than monthly?

Just like nifty has gone nowhere from past 1 year. I guess last year also we were at the same level at this time. The ones with strangle have made money.

Godbless the traders taking yearly strangles or straddles. :robot:

They aren’t liquid enough. Just keep doing it week by week. But one big movement is going to eat away most of your profit. Even though last 1 year nifty has done nothing, it has gone to 15200 on the lower side and 18600 on the higher side. Not many would have held on to their position.

Hats off to their patience

That would be incredible. It all depends on how well we make a transition from black economy to formal economy

There is not much of a difference between a daily sip and a monthly sip. In fact I had seen one study wherein a bi-annual sip did better than all the other types of SIP.

Don’t waste your time on pointless things like SIP frequency and dates. There are better things to do in life, such as watching Brahmastra.

there are millions of better things to do in life, but watching Brahmastra is not one of them :joy:

For individuals who desire to make daily investments, daily SIPs can be a very profitable investment. Additionally, daily compounding and averaging benefits make it a very desirable choice for investors. However, monthly SIP returns will be comparable to daily SIP returns provided the fund is not volatile. On the other hand, because the investment is made in small amounts, daily SIPs can limit losses. However, because the risk is reduced, the returns are smaller than those provided by monthly SIPs. If you receive a set monthly paycheck, choosing weekly SIPs over daily SIPs would be preferable. In a perfect world, you would aim to invest four times per month. This will assist you to cost-average your investments.

I think daily SIP is better!
One of the main advantages of a daily SIP is that it can help to discipline investors and force them to stick to their investment plan. With a monthly investment, there is more temptation to skip a month or make a withdrawal if markets are down. With a daily SIP, investors are less likely to make impulsive decisions that could jeopardise their long-term investment goals.

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one suggestion , if SIP amount is 3000 per month, then daily amount should be equal or more than 137, as we get 22 or less trading days in a month. And if 137 daily SIP is considered, then there might some change of return.
Although I’m agree with you that minimum interfere in SIP,can give good result, one should focus on his main work not in small things.

Whichever you feel most comfortable using. Monthly SIP looks excellent for people like many of us who stick to a set monthly spending limit. However, some people who own businesses or work in other occupations may find that monthly SIP causes them problems and that daily SIP is preferable. If you receive a set monthly paycheck, you should opt for weekly SIPs rather than daily SIPs. In a perfect world, you would aim to invest four times per month. You can cost-average your investments with the use of this.

My suggestion here is, dont go with MF marketing term ‘SIP’.

Whenever you have money just invest it as lumpsum.

If you goal is long term wealth creation using equities, investment discipline should come from us and not by depending on something like SIP’s

It’s more about how much you are investing every month than focusing on minor things like daily/weekly SIP’s

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Whatever you think fits best for you. Daily SIP can be a burden, I’d personally prefer monthly SIP.

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For individuals who desire to make daily investments, daily SIPs can be a very profitable investment. Additionally, daily compounding and averaging benefits make it a very desirable choice for investors. However, for those who follow a strict monthly budget, for them, a monthly sip can be better.

I agree with you particularly these lines


:grinning: :+1:

@ShubhS9 is it possible to have daily sip on

Motilal Oswal Nifty Microcap 250 Index Fund

Unsure of what value it would add. There’s no difference between the returns of a daily SIP and a monthly SIP. Please check this post for more information: What's the best day to start an SIP?

Same thought, why everyone is pushing on monthly SIP.
who can manage daily SIPs, can get advantage of event day, averaging,compounding etc.

anyone can highlight disadvantage of daily SIP.

That’s exactly the drawback from daily SIPs - missing out on the compounding benefit you’ll otherwise get if you invest the entire amount at the beginning of the month ( since the general market trend is :arrow_up:)

Unless someone is a daily wage earner, the explanation above answers.

PS: I guess why monthly SIPs is the most common (rightly so) frequency since most of us have a monthly cash inflow in the form of a salary. There are also a lot of studies you can find which have established with data that the optimal strategy is to buy as soon as possible, when you have excess cash without trying to time the markets/ deploying this excess cash in instalments. (Just keep buying)