Is it possible to monitor/see 10 or more than 10 live charts for different equities during live trading

Is it possible to monitor/see 10 or more than 10 live charts for different equities during live trading in single monitor, is there any software?

zerodha pi is coming , i hope it will solve your problem!

I use to google finance for simpler charts with RSI, you can resize and keep multiple charts in window.

Thanks. I also tried like that only. there are 2 issues in this. 1. some times it is hanging, showing ‘Loading message’. 2. it is little bit lagging as compared to zerodha trade, some times 30-40 sec

oh ok. Loading… thing wont be there if you have good net connection, I beileve.

in this we have to click particular tab to see. I want to see at a time, no need to click or move from the screen/page

thanks. i am eagerly waiting :slight_smile: