Kite Trading plaform misssing important features

I do see kit lacks important features required by traders:

  1. No immediate access to Option greeks (delta, theta, gamma, vega, intrinsic value, most important Implied voltatility etc). how traders are supposed to put on trade if they do not know how the option is priced ? i am puzzled why zerodha has not been able to figure this out when you show market depth at click of the button, how hard it is to display above values along with that ?

  2. The way current kit is implemented, you can create only 5 watchlists by typing in option,equity names etc. this is very lame approach. Why cant we have 1 page where we type in name of equity and it will display entire option chain (with delta, theta, vega, gamma, implied volatity, calls on 1 side of screen and puts on the other) this design is used by most trading platforms across globe. not sure how much market research zerodha UI team did before they came up with current UI. I always ends up opening icicidirect in other window to see the above greek parameters for any option that i want to put trade on. putting on trade without knowing greeks is like shooting in the dark and hoping to hit the target.

I hope zerodha takes in to consideration of above issues and implement them ASAP.

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Asking for this since long…
Even if this is provided asap, it would serve huge purpose…